My Sustainable Philosophy
It is not what I can do for others, but what I do for you.
It is not about me playing dress up on my website and social media site to show you different looks and outfits, but instead helping you to empower you to be your authentic you and find the style and brands that work for you.
My business is not about showing everyone how I am looking stylish in other retailers’ clothes but showing you that trends are not made for everyone. It is a minefield to navigate through and I want to help you to find the trends that work for you, but also teach how to decode them, so you avoid buying garments that don’t work for you.
I am on a mission to unravel the Fashion industry’s playbook, so you reclaim your self-confidence, self-worth, Body confidence, your health and create conscious shopping habits for a healthier planet- without a healthy planet there isn’t a healthy anything.
I want to help and guide women with my expert know how to become conscious, mindful, and responsible shoppers. Every single time we shop we are voting with our money in what type of world we want to live in.
At this critical juncture of rising climate change, pollution, animal cruelty in the name of fashion it is time to shift fashion’s narrative by challenging the current fashion practises and structures, the value of our products and how we manufacture them, basically re- evaluate the value proposition of fashion.
- I am sharing the TOP SECRETS OF DRESSING RIGHT NO MATTER WHAT YOUR BUILD, AGE OR LIFESTYLE- SECRETS the FASHION INDUSTRY doesn’t want you to know, because they would lose your trust, their influence and buying power over you.
- I am DECODING FASHION for you, so you understand which Fashion Trends are relevant to you.
- I am DEBUNKING FASHION MYTHS that the FASHION INDUSTRY is telling you to keep you under their spell.
- I am revealing the FASHION LIES that the Fashion industry is drip feeding you in beautiful, wrapped instalments.
- I am telling you the DIRTY FASHION SECRETS the FASHION INDUSTRY is hiding and that is having a bad impact on your wellness, health, and the planet.
- I am taking you behind the GLAMOROUS CURTAIN and show you why our consumption is hurting us and the planet.
I am teaching you my UNIQUE MJ METHOD that I have developed in the last 15 years, which is the BLUEPRINT for YOUR BEST VERSION that leaves a positive impact on the planet.
I will tell you your UNIQUE STYLE DNA, so you can develop your very own unique dressing guide
I will show you and tell you why you must DITCH YOUR FASHION ADDICTION for a HEALTHIER & HAPPIER YOU. Don’t trade your HEALTH for a KILLER OUTFIT.

I am teaching you my UNIQUE MJ METHOD that I have developed in the last 15 years, which is the BLUEPRINT for YOUR BEST VERSION that leaves a positive impact on the planet.
I will tell you your UNIQUE STYLE DNA, so you can develop your very own unique dressing guide
I will show you and tell you why you must DITCH YOUR FASHION ADDICTION for a HEALTHIER & HAPPIER YOU. Don’t trade your HEALTH for a KILLER OUTFIT.
Without immediate action, the fashion industry will fail to meet the global targets set in the Paris Agreement, limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. And as in any business, legislators and consumers are the most powerful drivers for change. It is in consumers’ hands to drive the change to a more sustainable fashion industry.
Consumers must become more conscious of where they spend their money and which brands and retailers they want to support.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein
It is critical that consumers can identify which businesses have adopted authentic sustainable practices through transparency, from the manufacturing process, supply to marketing, so they can buy themselves into a better world.
We will all have to think of how fashion operates to redefine value and spark positive lasting change and impact.
Everyone needs to be ambitious to rebuild a better new normal and we can do that by buying less, choosing better and making our clothes last.

I believe that the lack of knowledge and education on these issues drive consumers to unsustainable practices in a world where fast fashion has consumers hooked on consumption and that education will be the disruptor to change all for the better.
I made it to my purpose to help women to buy better, so we can become part of the solution and not the pollution. One customer at a time.
My mission is to helping women to transform to a conscious, informed, and mindful shopper, how to look and feel their best every single time they dress and how to become their own fashion hero and become the only critique that matters to the them and they need.

I will show you how and where you can shop with purpose and impact.
I will help you to make you fashion happy inside out and learn how to build a sustainable wardrobe. We cannot do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good we can do.
I want to help you not to be green washed and help you to look good while doing good.
I want to show you how to look for sustainable and ethical brands that are transparent in their practises. Brands use “eco”, “sustainable”, “green” and similar descriptions simply for marketing purposes to sell you more and make themselves more attractive to you, but doing nothing to help the planet. As a result, you can make every garment in your wardrobe count.
I want to show you how you can make a difference by shopping more consciously, because every single time you spend money you are casting a vote in the world you want to live in. It is in our hands to change the dirty practises of the fashion industries. Every individual has the power to make a difference. And if we can do something with simple behaviour and actions, then we must not let the opportunity pass by doing something.

I want to inspire you to buy in what you believe in, because we are what we wear, so best is to wear our values. We all must thrive to redesign our values, because we are all in it together and it is paramount that consumers re-educate themselves on Fast Fashion, Climate Change, and the negative impact it has- but also understanding the urgency for it. This requires a huge shift in mind set by changing our views of pleasure and how we love and look at something.
I want to encourage to buy quality rather quantity. After all it is all cost per wear. Investing e.g. in an investment piece for your wardrobe that suits you and you need for e.g. jeans for £250, and you will wear it 2 a week , this jeans has cost you only after a month about £31. Owning this item for a year this investment piece will have cost you about £2. While when you buy a jeans for £40,- and you wear it once or twice, it will cost you not only more money, but also add clutter to wardrobe and ultimately end up faster in land mills.

Plus buying and owning quality will encourage you to care and mend for your clothes, so that they last longer. Did you know by just extending the lifetime of a garment by 9months would reduce carbon, water, and waste by around 20-30% each. Bad quality hurts you and the planet. Price you what you pay. Value is what you get.
- I want to inspire you to shop cruelty free fashion. Every year, billions of animals suffer and die for clothing and accessories.
Cruelty beauty – clean beauty and clean food are today much more respected and endorsed than cruelty free fashion, because sustainable and ethical fashion are not yet as established among consumers except with the Z generation.
No matter the type of material or where it comes from, if the process involves an animal, it involves horrific cruelty and we the consumer can help to end this cruelty and suffering by choosing vegan fashion brands, which are as stylish and beautiful to wear.

I want to encourage to think of yourself like a curator and collector of your wardrobe, that is filled with clothes that you love and care for like the good friends they are. Your wardrobe should be a place that empowers you and brings joy as well gives you always a dress solution no matter the occasion. Your wardrobe should not hold you back and trapped in negative emotions or a negative mindset, because it is filled of clothes but there is nothing you want to wear or reflects your current you.
Several public surveys also suggest that many of us have clothes in our wardrobes that we hardly ever wear. According to one survey, nearly half of the clothes in the average UK person’s wardrobe are never worn, primarily because they no longer fit or have gone out of style. Another found that a fifth of the items owned by US consumers are unworn.
That it is why you need to keep your sustainable wardrobe timeless, yet modern and current as well minimal, so every single piece can tell a story.