Discover Your Unique Sustainable Style DNA

Know yourself, before you dress yourself

  • Learn to buy less, choose better and to buy better
  • Save time and money
  • Shop with purpose and impact
  • Book a 1 or 2 hour Zoom Consultation


My MJ Method is the blueprint on how to reinvent yourself

  • I will be teaching you my unique proven MJ STYLE method to find out your unique STYLE DNA, so you can start to buy clothes that suit, fit you and which will make you look unique.
  • I will give you actionable steps to change your fashion habits, your fashion mindset, how to become a sustainable and mindful shopper, and give you the know-how and power of understanding your bodyshape. So, you can buy the right fashion trends and style designs that make you look strong in your weak places.
  • My sustainable style services are powered by a deep care, love, passion, and true know-how.
  • My techniques are easy to understand and to follow.  They will transform you, now and forever. My services are debunking fashion and design myths from the start.
  • I will be sharing the top secrets of dressing right, whatever your build, age, or lifestyle is. I’ll be revealing the secrets the fashion industry doesn’t want you to know, because they would lose your trust, their influence, and power over you.

I’m decoding fashion for you

  • So, you understand which fashion styles are relevant to you.
  • I’m debunking fashion myths, that the fashion industry is not telling you so that they can keep you under their spell.
  • I’m revealing the fashion lies that the fashion industry is drip-feeding you in beautiful, wrapped instalments.
  • I’m telling you the dirty fashion secrets, the fashion industry is hiding, and that is having a bad impact on your wellness, health, and the planet.
  • I’m taking you behind the glamorous curtain to show you why our consumption is hurting us and the planet.
  • I’m teaching you my unique MJ method that I have developed in the last 15 years, which is the blueprint on how to become your best version, that leaves a positive impact on the planet.
  • I will tell you your unique Style DNA, so you can develop your very own unique dressing guide.
  • I will show you how not to trade your authenticity for approval.
  • I will tell you why we must ditch our fast fashion addiction for a healthier and happier us and planet.

Don’t trade your health for a killer outfit!  Looking beautiful only on the outside is not anymore, the Nr. 1 priority. We want doing good with our purchases at the same time. Treating the planet ⁠as we planned to stay.

Know yourself first, before dressing yourself.

  • As we have our unique DNA, we also have our unique STYLE DNA. 
  • We must follow all a different dressing guide to look our best. And this is the reason why we need to apply strategy to look our best. We can’t simply copy and paste a look  because we love it on someone else and expect the same transformation. Or think because it is in FASHION it will automatically transform us in looking and feeling beautiful and happy. Neither the most beautiful dress nor design from the coolest designer can deliver this transformation. BUT the right style for your STYLE DNA, will always transform you into a beautiful, unique, and happy you.
  • Your Style DNA is as unique as your fingerprint. There are an infinite number of physical features, and each person has their own unique combination of these. Even if we share the same dress size it doesn’t mean we can wear the same dress or dress design and expect it will look good on all of us.
  • When it comes to looking good, it’s not your size that matters, it’s the fit of your clothes and if you are feeling comfortable in them.
  • Once you know your unique Style DNA you can create your own signature look and feel unique and stop comparing yourself to others or being a bad copy of someone else.
  • And this know how will completely transform your mindset, because you will set yourself free from other people’s opinions, remove yourself from any form of negativity that will make you feel bad about yourself or feed on your body insecurities. Instead you will become your very own STYLE GURU – your very own fashion expert.

    Knowing your STYLE DNA is the ultimate toolkit to become a conscious customer

    • Discovering you Sustainable STYLE DNA is a SELF ASSESSMENT of your build and how to put in context your body features will help you to understand which types of clothes to choose that will accentuate your good features (and minimise your less than perfect bits!), meaning you’ll be able to dress in a way that really suits you and make you look and feel happy.
    • The problem with understanding your body shape is that most women focus on specific areas (i.e., problems zones such as the tummy, arms, bottom, thighs etc), which can cloud their judgement when it comes to seeing the whole picture. It’s important to view yourself as a whole picture, so you can define your body shape.
    • It is a KNOW HOW, that the Fashion Industry doesn’t want you to know, because they want to keep you insecure, so you keep coming back for more as well of not losing their influence on your shopping behaviour. Fact is, it is more profitable to the Fashion Industry to keep their customers insecure and impressionable, than empowering them with concrete know how to become confident, informed, and happy. Basically a customer who knows what she needs and wants and is asking why before she buys it.
    • Knowing your STYLE DNA is the ultimate toolkit to become a conscious customer, because you stop making fashion mistakes that cost you and the planet. Instead, my know how will empower you to shop with purpose and impact, because you start to wear clothes that make you look and feel happy inside out.

      Your Benefits

      1. My unique services will give you great ROI, because you will waste less money on clothes that don’t work for you, waste less time on looking for the wrong clothes, waste less energy on buying the wrong styles, create less unhappy moments when styles don’t fit you, create less negativity in your wardrobe, create less fashion waste and less pollution.
      2. You can start to build a sustainable wardrobe where you surround yourself with positive clothes, that make you look and feel happy as well making the planet happier at the same time.
      3. You get a know-how, that will make you look and feel authentic every day, because you know yourself inside out.
      4. You will become the only Style Critique you need, because you will know what looks and suits you best. No more second guessing and listening to the wrong influencers who don’t have your and the planet’s best interest at heart.
      5. My sustainable style services will empower you to be your own Style PRO forever.
      6. You will start to buy and choose with purpose and positive impact for yourself and the planet at the same time, because my know how sets you free of negativity.
      7. Knowing your STYLE DNA will encourage positive shopping behaviours and habits and will stop you from impulse shopping. Instead, it will encourage you to ask WHY before you buy it.
      8. You will live better, because you are investing in yourself and the planet for a HAPPIER YOU & HAPPIER PLANET
      9. Knowing your unique STYLE DNA will teach you to become a knowledgeable FASHION PRO, because you will be able to translate any fashion trends for yourself and know how to make them relevant to you or simply giving them a miss. Not every fashion trend has been designed with your body shape in mind. Basically, you will be able to make FASHION your own and become a FORCE FOR GOOD.

      PLEASE NOTE: That your STYLE DNA  is not set in stone, but can change when your body features are changing e.g when losing weight, adding weight, changing your hair colour or getting older. For best practice, you should assess your STYLE DNA at least 2 x a year, so you can adjust and make little tweaks to reflect your current you. It is like seeing your beautician, hairdresser, dentist, nutritionist, personal trainer on a maintenance basis to ensure you are doing the right things for the current you.


      Sustainable Style DNA Edit

      Only available for customers who did the DISCOVER YOUR STYLE DNA

      • Comparing your current Style DNA with your previous one
      • Discussing possible changes 
      • How to amend and change your new dressing Style
      • Your will receive an updated STYLE DNA Report with the new Does & Don’ts

      1 hour £295
      2 hour £495

      Keeping current, being in the know on what works and what doesn’t, avoiding costly mistakes that are hurting your mindset, your body and the planet 
